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Entre Turismo, tomamos un té helado

[ July2016 ] We continued our sightseeing in Riga. After ‘Three Brothers’ we came across Our Lady of Sorrows Church, so we went in. It is a Cathoric church built in the…


Catedral y Tres Hermanos

[ July2016 ] Apparently the cathedral in Riga is the largest church in the Baltic countries. It was built in 1211. The interior was rather simple. I learned afterwards that …


Vistas desde la Iglesia de San Pedro

[Julio.2016] Después de dejar nuestras compras del mercado en el hotel, comenzamos el turismo en el casco antiguo de Riga. Primer, visitamos la Iglesia De San Pedro, el diseño de la torre era bonito y…


A Riga

[ July2016 ] We had a short holiday in Riga in Latvia, one of the three Baltic countries. This was one of the places I always wanted to go, but there was a reason why …


Marcha en la intensa lluvia

[ Jun.2016 ] We had guests from abroad so we went to Windsor together. We thought it would be better to see the guards’ march, so we checked the time and …


Participando en el Photomarathon

We participated the Photomarathon in Milan. What is Photomarason? It is an event that you keep taking photos following the themes given by the organiser for a day.


Participando en el Photomaratón

[ Jun.2016 ] We participated the Photomarathon in Milan. What is Photomarason? It is an event that you keep taking photos following the themes given by …