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Dizzying beauty

[Nov. 2024] On a sunny public holiday, we felt like going out for a bit, so we went to Trezzo sull’Adda, which is not far from our home in northern Italy. It’s a town on…


The darkest place is under the candlestick

[Oct. 2024] A couple of friends who live in France came to visit us in Northern Italy, so we went to a few famous places that we could go on a day trip to. One…


London, 2024 trip

I separate these photos of ours from other London photos taken in summer in 2024, because these are the scenes seen from the tourists’ point of view rather than the residents. I include the photos…


British pub lunch

[Aug. 2024] We went to Greenwich in East London on a sightseeing boat and arrived just at lunchtime. My husband said that since we were in England, he wanted to eat fish and chips, so…


Boat trip to Greenwich

[Aug. 2024] During our stay in London, we felt we should do some sightseeing so went to a pier on the River Thames. We remembered that we once enjoyed the boat trip to Hampton Court,…


A typical British scene in a suburban garden

[Aug. 2024] During this visit to London, a couple who are friends of ours invited us for a walk in a large garden in the suburbs. It’s called Borde Hill, and it’s in Sussex. It…


Quirky Hotel

[Aug. 2024] We went to London to celebrate our friend’s end of her battle with illness. It had been decades since we’d stayed in a hotel in London, where we’d lived for many years. This…


Italy, Ischia

These are our photos taken on Ischia island in southern Italy in 2024.