
Cemetery, cathedral and university

[Oct. 2023] Every list of things to see in Glasgow, Scotland includes the Necropolis. From the name, I imagined it to be some sort of ancient ruin, but during the walking tour, I discovered that…


Meals and sudden disasters

[Oct. 2023] On the day we toured Glasgow, Scotland, our main meal was steak at a chain restaurant called Brown’s. Beef is one of Scotland’s specialties, isn’t it. When we chose this restaurant, we didn’t…


First, to Glasgow

[Sept. 2023] There is an island called Barra among the Hebrides, which are scattered on the west side of mainland Scotland. If you come here by plane, apparently propeller planes from Glasgow land right on…


Meals and sudden disasters

[Oct. 2023] On the day we toured Glasgow, Scotland, our main meal was steak at a chain restaurant called Brown’s. Beef is one of Scotland’s specialties, isn’t it. When we chose this restaurant, we didn’t…