Dizzying beauty

Dizzying beauty

On a sunny public holiday, we felt like going out for a bit, so we went to Trezzo sull’Adda, which is not far from our home in northern Italy. It’s a town on...


British pub lunch

We went to Greenwich in East London on a sightseeing boat and arrived just at lunchtime. My husband said that since we were in England, he wanted to eat fish and chips, so…


The Room with the View in Portovenere

The weather was bad at the beginning of the journey and I hesitated if I should go on or not, but in the end I decided to come to Portovenere, which was a…


The first monastery

 We visited a lot of churches and monasteries in this Ancient Macedonia tour we joined. This St.Joakim Osogovski  is the first monastery we visited and situated in a mountain in Macedonia near the border…

San Marino

The heaven that people imagine

On the day we visited San Marino, the fifth smallest country in the world, I ate a delicious Cappelletti lunch and went outside and found that the fog had been cleared and the…

Miranda Friends

JR Rail Pass

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. This time the destination of my travel was Japan. I did not have the time to settle myself down in Tokyo in the house of my close...

Emirates airlines

Emirates is an airline based at Dubai International Airport in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. According to the company’s official website, On 25th October 1985, Emirates flew its first routes out of Dubai with just two...

Very satisfied

We had lunch at a restaurant called Au Bon Accueli, which was recommended by a friend of mine who lives in Paris. It is very close to the Eiffel Tower. Because the...

Alcázar is now a hotel

Next in Zafra, a town in western Spain, we went to Alcázar. Alcázar means a castle or a fort, and our guidebook describes it as a “castle”, but it seems more appropriate to...

Very friendly

For the first dinner in Bordeaux in France, we went to a restaurant called Chez Dupont, which we booked from the airport before leaving. It is a place introduced in ...

Talk with seasoned Gondolier

This time in Venice, I took a gondola as soon as possible before rain started.I enjoy a gondola ride every time I come to the city.It is very nice and romantic to see the...