“Tomorrow’s fish is still in the sea”

“Tomorrow’s fish is still in the sea”

After enjoying a walk in Dartmouth in southwest England, it’s time for a meal. We went to Rockfish, a seafood restaurant that a friend had made a reservation for us. “Tomorrow’s fish is...


Discussion about where to live

We got on a boat without getting out of our car to reach the town of Dartmouth in southwest England. According to our friends, there are two types of ferries, one big and…


Poirot’s World

While staying in Torquay in the southwest of England, a couple of friends took us on an excursion to Dartmouth. First, they showed us a house called Coleton Fishacre. It is a country…


A town called Torquay

The reason why we chose Torquay, a town in southwest England, as our last domestic trip in the UK is because there was someone we wanted to meet. My husband meets her every…


No women admitted in Mt. Athos

 Mt.Athos in Greece and surrounding peninsula is really a strange place with as many as 20 monasteries and nothing else. On top of that no women can enter this area in this 21st century….


Wooden Crane

When you walk along the Motlawa River in Gdansk in Poland, you will not miss this black wooden building. This is the crane. I could not understand this at first, but there…


Churches are deadly serious

We used the last day in Zadar in Croatia for visiting churches. The weather was not very nice, so it was the best day to spend time indoor. The old town…

Miranda Friends

The small town of Kotohira

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. The first stop of my travel in Kagawa prefecture in Japan was Kotohira city. During day time this city is very busy because it is located on...

a great time at the market in Urumchi

We went to Urumchi by bus from Turpan in China. Again the bus was a clunker and it took about 5 hours. On the way, I saw the scar from the flood...

Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines is the national flag carrier airline of Turkey, headquartered at Atatūrk Airport in Istanbul. According to company’’s official website, on 20th may 1933, the “State Airlines Administration” operating under the supervision of the...

Very satisfied

We had lunch at a restaurant called Au Bon Accueli, which was recommended by a friend of mine who lives in Paris. It is very close to the Eiffel Tower. Because the...

It is Italy here, too

A young couple invited us for an excursion to South Tyrol, which is in north east of Italy.A long time ago, when I visited Europe for the first time, our group moved...

Meal in the village

We searched for a restaurant where we could have lunch in Pre Saint Didier, a village in the Valle d’Aosta region in the north western corner of Italy. We wandered around looking for...

had a rest at a herb garden

On the day when we took a taxi to tour around Ishigaki Island in Okinawa, Japan, we passed lunch time without noticing, so instead of having a proper lunch, we had a...


The highlight of our stay in Delhi was the rickshaw ride.This was real transport system for people living there, not like in Japan where rickshaws are for tourists.They pulled it by bicycle.We...