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Gorgeous restaurant

[ Jan.2016 ] On that day we had our lunch in the historical restaurant in Rio de Janeiro called Confeitaria Colombo. It was a large restaurant with the huge mirrors founded in 1894. Because of…


Visiting the theatre

[ Jan.2016 ] The Municipal Theatre in Rio de Janeiro is situated in the square called Cinelandia where there used to be many cinemas. When we were there, the theatre was not showing any performances…


Cathedral with the modern design

[ Jun.2016 ] Apparently Brazil has the largest number of Catholic believers. I was surprised to see the cathedral in Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest cities in the country, was very modern. It…


Lovely staircase

[ Jan.2016 ] This staircase in the photo is the Selaron Steps in Rio de Janeiro. A Chilean artist, Jorge Selaron who came to live in Rio in 1983 loved the city and started putting…


From Sugarloaf Mountain

[ Jan.2016 ] On the second day of our stay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we went up to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain early in the morning. We took two cable cars to get there….


At night

[ Jan.2016 ] On the first night in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we went to a night club our tour leader booked for us. It was called Rio Scenarium and it seemed a famous place which…


Symbol of Brazil

The first place we visited in Rio de Janeiro was Colcovado mountain where the huge statue of Christ the Redeemer is situated. This statue is the symbol of Brazil. The mountain is 700m high and…

Rio De Janeiro


[ Jan.2016 ] From Paraty in Brazil, we went to our last destination, Rio de Janeiro, by car. After arriving there around mid-day, we went to a restaurant called Boteco Belmonte near our hotel. What…


Getting drunk comfortably

[ Jan.2016 ] After eating good meat in Paraty in Brazil, we had a walk around the town at night. Because this was a touristy place, the shops were open late, so we did a…