Duomo in Ragusa Ibla

Duomo in Ragusa Ibla

[Sept., 2022] There are two “cathedrals” in the historic town of Ragusa in Sicily, Italy.

Duomo di San Giorgio and its fence in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
Duomo di San Giorgio against the blue sky

One is the Basilica of San Giovanni Battista in the New Town and the other is the Basilica of San Giorgio in Ragusa Ibla (Old Town).

When we visited this town last time, I think the guide told us that the one in new town is called the Cattedrale and the one in old town is called the Duomo, but our guidebook says exactly the opposite.

However, on the map we got on the spot, “Duomo” is written on the side of San Giorgio Cathedral.

Probably it does not matter.

inside Duomo di San Giorgio in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
the altar of Duomo in Ragusa Ibla

The Duomo di San Giorgio follows the example of churches in this region, and there is a splendid church at the end of a long staircase.

However, the stairs in front of it are surrounded by a fence, making it impossible to climb the stairs, which was a little disappointing.

There was a slope on the side, and we could climb it and enter from the side of the church building.

The Duomo, like the Cathedral of San Giorgio in Modica, is said to be one of the finest works of the architect Rosario Gagliardi.

the group of tourists taking photos of San Giorgio on the horse in Duomo in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
people taking photos

The inside was dignified, but relatively simple.

For example, the pillars had carvings on the top, but the rest was plain.

In front of the glass case on the side, there was a group of tourists who were guided, “If you pay €1, the light will turn on.”

Someone seemed to have paid €1, and soon the lights came on, revealing San Giorgio on his horse.

At that moment, everyone in the group started taking pictures with their mobile phones.

the coffin of San Giorgio in Duomo in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
the coffin of San Giorgio

These days, photography is all done by mobile phones, and there aren’t many people like us having heavy cameras hanging from our necks.

I feel sorry for Japanese camera makers.

There was another glass case on the opposite wall, and a light was turned on there as well.

Here was the coffin of San Giorgio.

the organ in Duomo di San Giorgio in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
lovely organ made in Bergamo

However, according to the guide’s explanation, the remains are actually in Jerusalem.

I couldn’t hear the sound, but there was a rather cute pipe organ, and I was told that it was made in Bergamo, northern Italy.

After that, we left the Duomo and went down the slightly sloped Piazza Duomo.

Walking around there, I recalled, “This is where I had sore teeth for hours the last time after I ate gelato.”

Piazza Duomo of Ragusa Ibla, Sicily
Duomo seen from Piazza Duomo

So, I thought of and checked my previous blog, and I was shocked!

Surprisingly, the angle of the photo of the Duomo on the cover is exactly the same as this time.

Even though five years have passed, I can clearly see that my perspective has not progressed at all.