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The hotel with not enough local colours

[ May 2013] In Munich, we stayed in Sofitel near the main station. We chose this because when I looked at the photos online, it seemed to have some local characters, though it was a…


Eat Weisswrust

[ May, 2013 ] Beer and sausage are the most typical foods in Germany, and the typical sausage in Munich is Weisswrust (white sausage). I eat it every time I come here. This time, we…


Dance at Marienplatz

[ May 2013 ] At Marienplatz, the main square in the centre of Munich, they were holding some kind of fair and on the stage people were dancing their folk dances. The costume around here…


People in Osaka

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting [April, 2013] I don’t have enough experience to evaluate the different characters of Japanese people depending on where they are from, but soon after I went out of the…


Do not get cofused by the exterior

[ May 2013 ] In the Residenz in Munich, this room is also impressive. There are 121 portraits of Wittelsbach family who ruled this area and lived here. When I showed this photo to a…


Japanese whisky

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. [April, 2013] I like whisky very much. Since I was a boy I have appreciated European whiskies, especially Irish and Scottish. Because I knew that Japan produces good whiskies,…


German character in the history of Residenz

[ May 2013 ] This is about Residenz in Munich. This palace had been the home of Wittelsbach family who governed this region. The kingdom was extinct in 1918 and in 1920 it was already…


A Restaurant, Europe and Japan together

This is my friend, Bangly’s posting. [April, 2013] I read recently that in Italy some restaurants that serve mix of Italian and Japanese cookings. In Osaka, in Japan, I had the opportunity to have a…


Wonderful room

[ May, 2013 ] This is Antiquarium in Residenz in Munich. It was the second time for me to visit here, but still, I could not help myself raising my voice. This is said to…