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Mosaics in Paphos

[ Apr.2015 ] The highlight of Paphos in Cyprus is the Archaeological Park. Most of all, the Roman Mosaics are worth seeing. We could see the beautiful floor mosaics, which were showing ancient mythological episodes….



[ Apr.2015 ] The last place we visited in the tour to Northern Cyprus was the wall in Famagusta. The wall at the end of the row of houses in this photo is the one….


Mosque Which Looks Like a Church

[ Apr.2015 ] We visited Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, inside the wall in Famagusta in Cyprus. I could not believe it was a mosque as the building was nothing but a Gothic church. I have…


Ghost Town

[ Apr.2015 ] There is a ghost town in Famagusta in northern Cyprus, not in the old town withing the wall, but outside of it. Before the Turkish invasion in 1974, nearly 40,000 Greek Cypriots…


Quickly Visited Salamis

[ Apr.2015 ] During our individual tour into the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, we visited the ruins of Salamis. People lived here as early as the 12th century BC and now you can see…


Visit ex-St.Barnabas Monastery in Northern Cyprus

[ Apr.2015 ] We went into the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Our destination was Famagusta, so we went through the checkpoint near the city. We got out of the car and showed our passports…


Cypriot Matter

[ Apr.2015 ] On the next day, we had an individual tour to go to Northern Cyprus. At the end of the day, we felt it was too expensive, but at least we learned a…


Quiet Tourist Destination

[ Apr.2015 ] According to our guide book, the town of Polis, situated near the west end of Cyprus, seemed like a fairly large tourist town. But when we went there, we found it a…


Simple Village

[ Apr.2015 ] After a good lunch in Latchi in Cyprus, we went inland to a village called Neokhorio. Our guide book says ‘attractive stone houses overlooking a gorge’. Both the taxi driver and the…