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Second Tuscan restaurant

[Sept. 2021]On the second day in Florence, Italy, we had a reservation for lunch at a restaurant called Antico Ristoro di Cambi. We have lunch as our main meal of the day, as long as circumstances…


Central Market that I hadn’t noticed before

[Sept. 2021] We entered the Central Market in Florence, Italy for the first time. I’ve been to Florence many times since I was young, but I’ve never been here because I was distracted by the…


When we went out for a walk at night

[Sept. 2021] On the first day in Florence, Italy, we stayed in our hotel in the afternoon until it became dark. That was because there was a terrible storm in the afternoon. It was unbelievable…


Enter the Baptistery of Duomo

[Sept. 2021] After having the first wonderful meal in Florence, Italy, even though we were full and drowsy, we hurried to visit the baptistery of the Duomo, which we had reserved. I’ve seen the Duomo…


The first Tuscan foods for this holiday

[Sept. 2021] There are so many restaurants in Florence, Italy, that it is difficult to choose one. We thought about whether to go to the place where we went last time and we were sure…


Literally a room with a view

[Sept. 2021] In Florence, Italy, we stayed at Hotel degli Orafi along the river Arno. It seems to be a well-known hotel, and I just gave the name to the driver of the taxi which…