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Street performer

[ July, 2014 ] Our room in Zadar in Croatia was facing Narodni Square. There was one street performer in this square who performed in the morning and in the evening everyday. He carried a…


Wine at our apartment

[ July, 2014 ] We came back to Zadar after spending whole day in a tour.As we were tired, we gave up going to a restaurant and instead, decided to have a light supper at…


Too cold

[ July, 2014 ] After visiting Kornati National Park, the boat anchored on a shore of one island, which was out of the park. Then we had the quite substantial lunch. After that, it was…


Kornati National Park

[ July, 2014 ] During our summer holiday in Croatia, we joined a boat trip to Kornati National Park. There are as many as 150 limestone islands around there in the beautiful sea of Adriatic…


A couple from Salerno

[ July, 2014 ] Our tour to Plitvice National Park in Croatia was made up of 12 people, of which 7 were Italians. Among them, there was a middle aged couple from Salerno, south Italy….


Green paradise

[ July, 2014 ] One of the reasons why we decided to stay in Zadar in Croatia is that we learned that we could go to Plitvice Lakes National Park by organised tour from there….



[ July, 2014 ] We saw a poster saying that there was a concert of three sopranos at 9 pm at Petra Zoranica Square just next to the “5 wells” Square in Zadar, Croatia. So…


Generous portion

[ July, 2014 ] On the second day of our stay in Zadar in Croatia, we went to a restaurant called Konoba Na Po Ure, which was listed in our guide book. As the book…


Church of St. Donat

[ July, 2014 ] The Church of St.Donat is the symbol of Zadar in Croatia, they say. It is built on the ground of ancient Roman Forum and some of the relics were being used…