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A Church in the Night

[November, 2010] Thought this is Duomo in Lucca, but apparently it is not. This one is called San Michele In Foro. It has got a lot of decorations and looked very powerful in the night.


Blue Sky in Lucca

[November, 2010] After a few days’ rain the blue sky in Lucca was welcoming. I walked on and on until it got too dark. This is a picture of Piazza dell’Anfiteatro, a round piazza. There…

Emilia Romagna

Galleries in Bologna

[November, 2010] In Bologna, there are a lot of galleries where you can walk without getting wet on the rainy days, or without getting scorched on the hot sunny days.Sometimes the ceilings are as beautiful…

Emilia Romagna

A modern hotel in Bologna

[November, 2010] The hotel in Bologna was I Portici. This was a very modern hotel in white all over. The atmosphere did not tell anything about the town, but very comfortable and location was excellent….

Emilia Romagna

Rainy Ferrara

[November, 2010] Ferrara is another city with a lot of history and a lot of buildings to visit, but when I went just for an afternoon, it was raining heavily and I could not visit…


Mirror coridor in the hotel

[November, 2010] This time, I stayed in a hotel called Colomba D'oro in Verona, which is situated just behind the Piazza where the famous Arena is.The location was wonderful.The hotel itself has very traditional atmosphere,…


Arena in Verona

[November, 2010] This is a photo of inside of the Arena in Verona.Here they show operas and ballets during summer.I was here in the late autumn and the rain and the wind was so strong…



[September, 2010] This is a shop in Budapest, where I bought a traditional shirts and a skirt. Mine is not as gorgeous as the ones the dolls wear. In Hungary the embroidery is amazing.