
Wonderful restaurant

[ Nov.2014 ] We went to a wonderful restaurant in Italy. It is called Camp di Cent Pertigh and situated outside of the town called Carate Brianza which is about 30 km north of Milan….


Pleasant restaurant

[ June, 2014 ] On the day we went ot Trezzo sull’Adda near Milan, we looked for a restaurant called La Locanda del Colobili which we had chosen online. It was a pleasant family run…


We found another gem

[ Apr.2013 ] In Lombardy in northern Italy, there is an area called Franciacorta, which is famous for wine, especially sparkling wine. we went to a restaurant here In the small town of Monticelli Brusati,…


Restaurant in Cernobbio

[ Jan.2013] We got off the boat at Cernobbio on Como Lake. They hold an economic forum called Ambrosetti Forum every year here. When we were getting off the boat, people were talking about this…


A restaurant on top of a stable

[July 2012] When we went to Angera on Lake Maggiore, Italy, we went to look for a restaurant which has a good reputation on internet site. It is far from the lake itself in a…