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Salt Lake with Flamingos

[ Apr.2015 ] During our holiday in Cyprus, we joined the tour which took us around the southern side of the island. The first destination was Larnaca Salt Lake. Here, we could see wild flamingos….


Seafood Meze

[ Apr.2015 ] After enjoying the motorboat ride in Paphos in Cyprus, we went to a restaurant the boatman recommended. We chose Seafood Meze. Meze is a set of small dishes like Spanish Tapas and…



[ Apr.2015 ] It was a very fine day the next day and we spent all day in Paphos in Cyprus without going anywhere. When we were walking along the harbour area, we found a…


St. John’s Cathedral and Archbishop’s Palace

[ Mar.2015 ] In Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, we went into St. John’s Cathedral and saw the Archbishop’s Palace from outside. The Cathedral looks rather simple from the outside, but inside it was full of…


Checkpoint in Nicosia the Capital of Cyprus

[ Mar.2015 ] This a photo is a cafe near the checkpoint in Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. As you may know, “Checkpoint Charlie” is the name of the checkpoint which used to be…


Looking at the North of the Country at Nicosia

[ Mar.2015 ] The destination of this tour was Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. Nicosia is divided into two like Berlin in the past. The north part belongs to the Turkish Republic of Northern…


Pendant of the Byzantine Era

[ Mar.2015 ] This is the pendant I bought in Lefkara village in Cyprus. This village is famous for its lace making, but their silverwork has got a long history, too. Once upon a time,…


Lefkara, The Village Famous For Lace-Making

[ Mar.2015 ] On the next day, we joined another tour to Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. Before Nicosia, we stopped at a village called Lefkara, which is famous for its lace making and silver…


Room With The View

[ Mar.2015 ] Because the hotel we had booked in Paphos in Cyprus was horrible, we had to look for another place. I would have thought that we should go to the tourist office and…