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High Wycombe

Photography class

[ Mar.2014 ] On a beautiful Sunday, we joined a photography class at Hughenden Manor in High Wycombe which is not far from London. This organisation limits the number of the attendance to 10 for…


World biggest book shop

[ Mar.2014 ] A friend of mine invited us to a small concert by her friend. It was held in a cafe in the famous book shop in London, Foyles. Foyles has been famous because…


Climb up

[ Mar.2014 ] We climbed up the huge tent called ” The O2″ in the east of London. You may say “What a whimsical thing to do”, and it was really a whimsical thing. I…


Gigantic tent

[ Mar.2014 ] Time is passing so fast. This huge tent has been here in London for 14 years. This was used in the Olympics in 2012 as well, but originally it was built as…


Emirates Air Line

[ Mar.2014 ] I have known that the ropeway was built over Thames in east London for some time, but I have not had any occasions to visit this area, so I haven’t tried it…


The church

[ Feb.2014 ] After climbing up the wall of Piran in Slovenia, on the way back, I saw a nice photo of a beautiful cloister. So we went in the church there. It is the…


Dear old Piran

[ Feb.2014 ]  The driver of the taxi we took from Muggia in Italy took us to Piran in Slovenia, living up to our request “somewhere nice in Slovenian side”. There are nearer towns like…



[ Feb.2014 ] On the day when we went to Muggia in Italy, we wanted to go over the border to Slovenia, so tried to find out how we could do that. As the person…


Painted woman’s restaurant

[ Feb.2014 ] In Muggia in Italy, which is close to the border to Slovenia, we went in to a restaurant called Lilibontempo. Muggia is a fishing village and there seemed a lot of seafood…