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Chatsworth House

A mansion of an aristocrat

[ May, 2013 ] Our tour to England and Wales went to a mansion called Chatsworth House. The entrance fee was 16 pounds, which is not cheap, but in the house and in the garden,…

Peak District

Idyllic landscape

[ May, 2013 ] After Chester, our tour went through Peak District National Park. It was really idyllic and peaceful there with rows of green hills and sheep rolling all over. On the way, there…


An appealing hotel

[ May, 2013 ] In Chester in England, we stayed two nights in a hotel called Brookside Hotel. When we booked the tour, we told them my preference of three star hotel, and they chose…


Second popular clock

[ May, 2013 ] The clock in this photo is Eastgate Clock in Chester in England. Both my guide book and online information say that this is the second most photographed clock in Britain after…


After the horse racing

[ May 2013 ] The man in a shop in Chester, England where I bought a small souvenir said ” the horse racing has finished, now it is a time for a big business”. There…



[ May, 2013 ] We went to Chester for the first time. It is impressive to see the row of houses of half timbered style, which is a type of architecture that you can see…


A conscientious tour company

[ May, 2013 ]  We joined a tour run by a company called Rabbie’s for this England & Wales holiday. This is a Scottish company based in Edinburgh. They started organising tours in Scotland and…


Slate museum

[ May, 2013 ] The highlight of North Wales is definitely Mt.Snordon. You can climb up to the top by train. But our tour did not have enough time for that, so instead, we went…


The ugly house

[ May, 2013 ] I took this photo from the bus, so it is not very clear, but this is the Ugly House in Snowdonia ( Wales ). The following is the story Kevin, our guide…