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About the restaurant this time

[Jan. 2022] This time, we made a reservation at a French restaurant called Birdies in Whitstable, the seaside town in southeast England. We were attracted to this restaurant facing Harbour Street, the town’s main street…


Fantastic sight along the sea

[Jan. 2022] One Sunday in late January, we revisited Whitstable, a seaside town in southern England, taking the forecast at their word that the weather would be fine. However, the weather forecast was wrong, and…


Redeveloped area in pastel colour

[Jan. 2022] The next day, we returned to the capital Lisbon from Oporto in northern Portugal. Our stay in Portugal for more than two weeks was towards the end. I said goodbye to the city…


A very luxurious chamber of commerce

[Jan. 2022] From 4:00 pm that day, we visited the Bolsa Palace, one of the main tourist attractions in Oporto, Portugal. This is not a place that you can casually visit and see, but all…


A church which reminded me of ‘Silence’

[ Jan.2022 ] Shortly after we started staying in Oporto, Portugal, the person at the tourist information centre recommended us to see Church of San Francisco, saying this was  “a must-see spot”. So we visited…


After all, it was McDonald’s

[Jan. 2022] In Oporto, Portugal, there is something called “the most beautiful McDonald’s in the world”. We learned about it during the tuk-tuk tour, but I wasn’t particularly interested. However, when we were peckish that…


A gorgeous cafe

[Jan. 2022] The next day in Oporto, Portugal, was a cloudy and cold day. On our way to the supermarket Pingo Doce, which we became familiar with during our stay in Portugal, we found the…


Fascinating port wine

[Jan. 2022] During our stay in Oporto, a town in northern Portugal, we went for a walk after it got dark a few times. Mostly to the bustling areas along the Douro River. The famous…