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Palace of Gipsy

When you are travelling in Romania, you will sometimes come across this kind of decorative houses. They are houses of Gipsy. They usually have a lot of children and in this palace, about 20 people…


Gorgeous castle

[ Apr.2014 ] The last destination in Transilvania in Romania was this gorgeous castle. It was built in 15th century and it is called Corvin Castle or Hunedoara Castle. This is a very handsome castle,…


Strong garlic

[ Apr.2014 ] We had a dinner in a restaurant called Crama Sibiu Vechi in Sibiu in Romania.According to our friends, this place is specialised in Saxon dishes.It used to be a wine celler, so…


Liar’s Bridge

[ Apr.2014 ] This bridge in Sibiu in Romania is called Liar’s Bridge. If you lie on this bridge, depending on the size of the lie, the bridge creaks or even crumbles down if the…


Eyes of Sibiu

[ Apr.2014 ] When I visited Sibiu in Romania 9 years ago, the town was under renovation work. They were preparing for 2007 when this town was European Capital of Culture. That time and this…


Village without divorces

[ Apr.2014 ] Biertan in Romania is listed as a World Heritage because of its fortified church, though it did not look very prosperous. It was a rainy day and the village was wet and…


Nice at night, too

[ Apr.2014 ] Sighisoara in Romania is nice at night, too. We arranged to meet at around 8 pm and went out, but it was not dark enough to lighten up the city. So we…


A fine hotel

[ Apr.2014 ] We stayed at Central Park Hotel in Sighisoara in Romania, which is located just outside of the wall. It is a very nice hotel. According to the leaflet in the room, this…


Colours of Sighisoara

[ Apr.2014 ] Sighisoara in Romania is a very pretty town, listed in the World Heritage of Unisco. The model of Dracula, Vlad the third was born here. The yellow house near the clock tower…