
Frozen scene

[ Dec.2017 ] We went to Fukuroda in Ibaraki prefecture in Japan with my family. Of course our main destination was the famous waterfall there. I did not know, but according to a man in…


Fantastic blue world

[ Apr.2017 ] At the beginning of Golden Week ( from the last few days of April to early May with 4 national holidays in between in Japan), we went to Hitachi Seaside Park in…


The Bigger the Better?

[ May, 2015 ] I had seen the statue of Buddha in Ushiku in Ibaraki, Japan, many times from afar, but this time we went to visit there. It was just about closing, so we…


Somewhat Lonely Edo Town

[ May 2015 ] My family took us to a theme park called “Warp Station Edo” in the Ibaraki prefecture. It is a park where a town in the Edo era (1603 – 1868) is…


Factory tour

[ Aug.2014 ] While we were in Japan, my family organised the factory tour of Asahi Beer in Ibaraki. Of course the main purpose was the tasting in the end, but visiting the factory itself…