
By local trains

[ Mar.2014 ] Because the weather is not usually nice in England, when it is sunny in the weekend, I feel I ought to go somewhere.On this Saturday, we decided to go to Windsor.I found…


Emirates Air Line

[ Mar.2014 ] I have known that the ropeway was built over Thames in east London for some time, but I have not had any occasions to visit this area, so I haven’t tried it…


Blue road

[ Apr.2013 ] Here in London, you mayhave noticed blue roads recently.I did not know until one of my Facebook friends told me, but this is a special road for cyclists.The purpose is to encourage…


Train with no drivers

[Nov.2012] This is Dockland Light Railway (DLR) which runs in east London. They run without any drivers, just like Yurikamome in Tokyo. I had a look and found that DLR comercially started in 1987 and…