Stop at Dhermi Village

Stop at Dhermi Village

[Apr. 2024] After lunch in Porto Palermo on the Albanian Riviera, we headed further north along the coast.

After a series of hairpin turns, we crossed the highest pass in the area at 1,100 metres.

where the submarine was secretly kept along the coast of Albanian Riviera
beautiful sea and the place where the submarine was kept

On the way, we passed a place where submarines were kept during the communist era.

Apparently it was a secret base at the time and was not open to the public.

I remembered a similar story, and it was Balaklava in the Crimea.

According to our guide, Giorgio, the Albanian military used to monopolize the most scenic places.

The country’s system has changed, and now they are selling off the good land of the military to rich people.

And the people who bought it are carrying out heartless development.

In fact, we could see a large-scale construction site from the bus window.

What a shame, as it’s a place with beautiful nature.

houses of Dhermi and the sea in Albanian Riviera
the beautiful scene we saw from the top of the hill of Dhermi

We got off the bus in the mountain village of Dhermi.

There is a church at the top of a hill, and the village spreads out on the slope.

The bus stopped near the top, and we first visited the church.

Before entering, we were captivated by the great view.

In the foreground are the red roofs of the village houses, and beyond them is the blue sea.

inside the church of St. Mary Monastery in Dhermi village in Albanian Riviera
the church with frescoes

As I have said many times, I hope that such beautiful scenery will be preserved forever.

The place we visited was the church of St. Mary Monastery.

It was full of frescoes.

It is a church with a history dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries, and the frescoes were added in 1781.

The ceiling looked newer, though.

the view of Dhermi village in Albanian Riviera
the photo I took on the way down from the hill

Now, from here it gets difficult.

We have to go down a very steep slope.

The village has a nice atmosphere, so it looks good in the photos.

Normally, I love walking around villages like this, but I was not feeling well that day, so I was dizzy and staggering under the hot sun.

Most of the people on this tour were elderly, and there were a few people who looked desperate, including me.

St. Mary Monastery on top of the hill of Dhermi Village in Albanian Riviera
looking back up at the monastery on the hill

Finally, we were able to reach the road where the bus was waiting.

By the way, this village of Dhermi was added to the itinerary by our guide at the last minute because the castle of Porto Palermo was closed earlier.

It was a bit of a tough excursion for me because I was not feeling well, but I think it was a good idea.

I could tell that the guide wanted to show us various aspects of his country, not just do his job as a matter of obligation.