
[2014年1月]イタリア中部、アドリア海沿岸のマルケ州の町、オシモからの報道によると、今月21日、中古の携帯電話を販売する個人経営の店舗に、モロッコ人の男三人が客を装って訪れ、店主を縛り上げた上で、店にあった携帯電話280個(約600万ユーロ相当)を奪って車で逃走した。 しかし逃走中、男の一人が、IDカードが入った財布を店に落としてきたことに気付き、やむなく引き返すことに。 着いた店ではずらりとカラビニエリ(国家治安警察隊)が待ち受けており、あっという間にお縄となった。 男らが去った後、縛られた店主は、自力で縄をほどき、警察に通報していたのであった。 http://www.vivereosimo.it/index.php?page=articolo&articolo_id=447764 (このコーナーでは、大手マスコミが取り上げなさそうな、ちまたの話題を拾ってお伝えします)…

Seville for the first time in 10 years

…the way, the first drink was free because it was a “welcome drink”. The next morning, we went for a walk in search of a cafe. It was completely different…

Scottish beef

…Milan, Italy, which is far from the sea, people can eat the best fish. The hotel itself was not so good. Not only was it far from the centre, but…

Walk in the forest

…2.85 km. Here she showed herself at her best. She seemed very happy explaining about flora and fauna of this forest in detail. This forest was badly damaged at the…

Ripley Aquarium in Toronto

…some internet sites for some idea and found the Ripley Aquarium which was said to be the best in Canada. In north America, the centre of a city is called…

Old-time wedding

…seemed professional actors. Both adults and children were really pretty and it was like watching an old film. This region is famous for its cows called Chianina, which is best

Enoden, nostalgic railway

…name is Noriori-kun, sounds like that one of their staff named it rather than a professional marketing person. According to their web site, they started running on the 1st Sept.1902…

Ballet at the New National Theatre

…only went to see foreign companies visiting Japan. the programme was free I thought that the dancers of this ballet company had no flaws in their dancing, and that they…