
A quaint lift

This is an old lift called Santa Justa in the middle of Lisbon. When you are walking on the pedestrianised street, you will see this suddenly. Apparently it was build towards the…


Alfama in Lisbon

Alfama area in Lisbon is the oldest part of the city. When you enter here, you feel as if you were walking in a three dimensional maze. Sometimes you would come across small…



 In Portugal, you can see a lot of buildings with tiled wall. According to the audio guide in the hop-on-hop-off sight seeing bus we took towards the end of the travelling, these tiles started…


Age of Discovery

 This is a view of sunset in Lisbon. The monument on the left was built in 1960 to commemorate 500th anniversary of Infante Dom Henrique’s death. He was a leading figure of Portugal’s powerful…


Tram No.28

The DIY walking tour in Lisbon starts at a square where you can reach by tram No.28. This tram is made up by one small old carriage, which is very pretty but powerful,…


Walking in Lisbon

 The next day of our arrival in Lisbon was a holiday and most of the facilities for tourists were closed. We were at a loss for a while, but decided to follow the walking…


The bread

Altamura in southern Italy is famous for its bread, though I did not know until I read that in my guide book when I planned this short holiday.It is recognised as Protected designation…


A town with small old men

 The last night of my short trip to south Italy was spent in Altamura. When we arrived there, it was already dark, but quite many people were in the main street with a lot…


Enjoy the salt breeze

 While I was travelling southern Italy, I ate quite a lot of meat dishes.So for a change, I went to the nearest seaside to eat seafood.This is the beach of the place called Marina…