[ Autumn, 2005 ] After spending the cold night in the Armenian mountain, we went to Karahunj ( alias Zorats Karer), which is called ‘Armenian Stonehenge’.
Here I saw two picturesque shepherds working with cows and sheep.
When I looked at them closely, I noticed that one of them was quite fashionable, wearing a blue jacket and a reddish brown coat on top.
His face looked quite nice, too.
If you dust him and put him in Champs Elysee, he could look a Parisien.
I took pictures of them thinking like that and did not take very much notice of the explanation about this place, so now I had a look online and found that there are about 220 stones here.
The biggest one has got 2.8 metres high and it weighs 10 tons.
Some of them have a round hole and scientists think it could be an ancient astronomical observation.
Or maybe a necropolis.
There seems a plan to develop here to be one of the main tourist attractions, but when I was there, it was just a vast grassland.