
Kiev is like USSR

We went to Kiev in Ukraine for the first time. It is a beautiful city with the golden onion shaped domes with the very blue sky on the back ground. On the other hand,…


Open House

 In London there is an event called Open House. More than 700 private but significant buildings open their doors to the public. It is only two days in a year. This time, we visited…



 I haven’t been to London Dockland for a long time. The place I am standing is on the bridge above London Victoria Dock just outside of a big conference/fair venue called ExCel. The area…


Go to mass

 The last experience in the Ancient Macedonia tour was to attend the mass at Aleksandur Nevski church. I did not understand a word, but felt the solemness. And the voice of the choir was…


Saving its traditional craft

We came back to Sofia, where we started our tour. Having whole afternoon, I went to the Ethnological Museum. Bulgaria is famous for its embroideries or lacework, and you can see very nice…


This is the Rila Monastery

 The last highlight of the Ancient Macedonia tour was this Rila Monastery in Bulgaria. It has to be the last, otherwise, we would not be impressed by all other churches and monasteries if we…


Open air opera concert

 When we stayed in Bansko, Bulgaria, they happened to have the Opera Festival. At 9pm, it started at the open air theatre. It was really a proper opera performance with the real orchestra, though…


A photo taken before being told off

 This is Church of Holy Trinity in Bansko, Bulgaria. It is totally different from those we have seen in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece in this tour, which were full of icons. This one looked…


Bansko in Bulgaria

With the Ancient Macedonia tour, we came back to Bulgaria and stayed one night in Bansko. This town is developing as a ski resort. The renovated old houses are used as restaurants and…