A festival with no name?
When we arrived in Matera in south Italy, the drum sound was resonant. So we went up to the main square and found the costumed people were marching. We asked a shop assistant…
When we arrived in Matera in south Italy, the drum sound was resonant. So we went up to the main square and found the costumed people were marching. We asked a shop assistant…
This is our hotel room in Matera in Basilicata, south Italy. Matera is cave town and of course the hotel is in the cave. The room was slightly humid, but warm and comfortable…
We went to Matera in Basilicata in south Italy. It is famous for its cave houses called Sassi. I had heard about this and seen some photos of it, but when I saw…
The X’mas tree in front of the Duomo in Milan was still being prepared on the 6th December.I thought it ‘s a bit too late, but apparently, here the lights of the tree…
The time for shopping is here with us again. In London where the sun sets very early, the Christmas illuminations are nice above your heads, while on the ground hell of a lot…
In Parma, I went to a restaurant called Gatta Matta (meaning 'Crazy She-cat'), where I could not go in last time because it was full.This restaurant is not typical Italian restaurants which has…
In Parma, the female taxi driver was very knowledgeable and took me around with a lot of explanations.This town was renovated a lot by Maria Luisa, a wife of Napoleon in 19th century…
We wanted to stay in Parma in Italy this time, but all the hotels were full because of a lot of fairs held in this season. So we visited Reggio Emilia for the…
Elimia Romagna in Italy is famous for its wonderful foods and one of the most well-known one is Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan cheese). Often used as a topping on pasta dish, but I like…