The reason why all those scarf shops survive

The reason why all those scarf shops survive

[August 2012] Bursa in Turkey has been famous for its silk production.

So we went into a building called Koza Han where there are lots of silk scarf shops.

This was a caravanserai built in 1491 and they used to trade silkworm cocoons here.

Now the shops look all the same, so we went into one without any reason and bought some scarfs with Turkish pattern on.

In the shop there was an incredible pretty girl of around 8 years old.

I wanted to take a photo of her and asked her mother who was the sales woman in this shop, but she said ‘no’ as I half expected.

Bursa is a very conservative city.

That is why scarfs are necessary and these shops are doing well.

Anyway, I found many children in Turkey are very pretty.

Especially their eyes are beautiful.

By the way, after coming back home, I learned that they no longer produce silk in Bursa and the products sold there are mostly made in China.

What a disappointment!!