Quebec City

The bison sausages we ate in Wendake village

There was a restaurant within Onhoüa Chetel8e, the area which shows how the Huron People used to live in Wendake village in Quebec in Canada. After the tour in Onhoüa Chetel8e,…

Quebec City

Very interesting Huron People’s life

During our tour in Onhoüa Chetek8e which was showing the Huron People‘s traditional way of living in Wendake Village in the suburbs of Quebec City in Canada, we visited their traditional…

Quebec City

The delicious rabbit dishes in Quebec City

During our walking tour in Quebec City in Canada, we visited the seminary founded by the first bishop in New France (the French colony in North America) called François de Laval,…

Quebec City

Walking tour in Quebec City

Two days after we came across Canada Day in Toronto in Canada, we saw a festival for the birthday of Quebec City on the 3rd of July and many uniformed people…

Quebec City

To Quebec City

After staying three nights in Toronto in Canada, we flew to Quebec City. We had booked the tickets long ago through an agency in London. The airline was called Air Canada…


Walk in the financial district in Toronto

I continue talking about the walking tour in Toronto in Canada. We went down to the underground walkway from the beautiful Allen Lambert Galleria. Apparently every time they build a new…


Walking tour in Toronto

There was a free walking tour in Toronto in Canada, too. It started at 2 pm at Union Station. Guides for this kind of tours have to have a good loud…