This is my friend, Bangly’s posting.
[April, 2013] On the second day in Osaka, after breakfast, we met a Japanese friend who lives here.
His name is Mr.
Okazawa and he became our guide.
We took the train at the station and we went to Akashi city which is only half an hour from Osaka.
Akashi is famous for its main shopping street.
On this street, not far from the station, you can see small stands everywhere which sell fresh fish, sometimes still alive.
After a long stroll we had lunch in a typical Japanese restaurant where I could enjoy a lot of local dishes.
The one which impressed me most was a dish of octopus cut in small pieces with anchovie sauce and olive oil.
Olive oil is not common in Japanese restaurants and until 90’s it was basically unknow.
Recently it seems becoming more trendy.
Also, I was impressed by the kindness of the owner.
In the end he gave us an apron of the restaurant that the employees of the restaurant use.
The name of the restaurant is Tanaka Saketen.