
About St. Sophia’s Cathedral and Other Things

I continue talking about our sightseeing tour in Kiev in Ukraine. After St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral, we went to Zoloti Vorota (Golden Gate). We had visited here the last time we came,…


Ballet Lesson at Theatre of Operetta

On the second day of our holiday in Kiev in Ukraine, we visited Kiev National Academic Theatre of Operetta. This theatre was founded in 1934 and it hosts performances such as “Die…


Ballet at the National Opera Theatre

We arrived at the National Opera Theatre in Kiev in Ukraine, which was the destination of our walking tour on the day. This theatre was completed in 1901. Before that there was…


Japanese Green tea

Standard Method for making Japanese Green tea. Put tea leaves in the teapot. Pour hot water into the teapot over tea leaves. Soak a while, then pour th tea out into teacups. Please don’t leave…


Eccentric Mr. Horodecki

I continue talking about the walking sightseeing tour in Kiev in Ukraine. Our guide, Miloslava, pointed out the unusual building next to the presidential residence. There were many strange animals on top…


Second Visit to Kiev

We visited Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. This was our second visit and the first time was seven years ago. Our Ukrainian friend, Alina, arranged the itinerary this time and it…


Take Photos of Rainy London

We took a part in the Urban Photo Race (UPR), which we had joined last year in Amsterdam and this year in London. The UPR is a kind of a photo competition where…