
To the market by bus

The next day was Saturday. I had searched in advance and found that there would be a market called Kalnciems Fair outside of the old town of the city. It was open from…


Steiku Haoss

When we arrived in Riga in Latvia, it was already after 10pm. We thought it could be too late for eating, but we found many restaurants open in …


To Riga

We had a short holiday in Riga in Latvia, one of the three Baltic countries. This was one of the places I always wanted to go, but there was a reason why …


March in the heavy rain

We had guests from abroad so we went to Windsor together. We thought it would be better to see the guards’ march, so we checked the time and …


Participating in the Photomarathon

We participated the Photomarathon in Milan. What is Photomarason? It is an event that you keep taking photos following the themes given by the organiser for a day.


Participating the Photomarathon

We participated the Photomarathon in Milan. What is Photomarason? It is an event that you keep taking photos following the themes given by …


At the end of the journey, we had cod

In Vicenza in Veneto, north Italy, we went to a cod specialised restaurant called Il Bistrot del Bacala. Bacala is the dried cod and the cod dishes are …


Gorgeous theatre in Vicenza

Our last destination in Veneto in north Italy was Vicenza. There are many buildings here planned by Andrea Palladio, the famous architect in the …


Chess town, Marostica

On the second day of our short trip to Veneto in north Italy, we visited Marostica. This town is famous for their human chess event. They have it every…