
Restaurant ‘Lila Sosse’

That evening, we went to a restaurant called “Lila Sosse” by taxi, which is in the new town in Dresden. It was a trendy place, which seemed to be run by young…


The Frauenkirche

In Dresden in Germany, we stayed in a room from which we could see the Frauenkirche, one of the most important symbols of the city, but it wasn’t until the fourth day…


Another Cable Car

There is another cable car in Dresden in Germany. To be accurate, this one is a suspension railway and it was opened in May, 1901. An engineer in Cologne invented it and…


Traffic Lights

Before coming to Germany, we looked at the weather forecast, which said that the first three days would be hot and sunny and then it would become cloudy and cold. I prepared…


Private Brewery’s Restaurant

We had our lunch at a restaurant called Schwerter Schankhaus in the Markt, main square, in the old town of Meissen in Germany. We chose here just because it looked nice, but…


“Trendsetter Since 1471”

The Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen in Germany is apparently the oldest castle in the country. “Trendsetter since 1471” is the title of the leaflet I got there. They started building this castle…


Portrait of the Couple

This is a photo of the sculptures in the cathedral in Meissen in Germany. They are bigger than life size of Otto I, the Holy Roman Emperor, and his wife, Adelheid, according…


Eyes of the Roof

While walking around Meissen in Germany, I was attracted to the eyes of this roof. I saw exactly the same ones in Romania. I had thought it was the special style of…