
Today’s wine

The name of the wine I had today in Monza in northern Italy was shocking.It is called 'Hell (Inferno)' .This wine is from Valtellina area, a little more north than Monza.Apparently it is not…


Enjoy ballet at Royal Opera House

I love ballet. I gave up becoming a professional dancer long time ago, but still, I sometimes go and see performances. In England the top company is the Royal Ballet. Usually I am…


Security at the airport

I was impressed by the security check in Frankfurt airport. Firstly, they have a lot of facilities of checking, so we do not have to wait so long. Secondly, they check our luggage…


This is another good German food

In this short trip in Germany, I was quite impressed by German cooking, much better than my expectation. This is another good one I ate in Frankfurt, a knuckle of a pork. When…


Remarkable voice

The chubby man in black is the owner of the voice. This is Roemerberg in Frankfurt, Germany. He was singing a song from operas.Germany is famous for its classical music and it is…


Sightseeing bus in Frankfurt

In Germany as well as in the UK, Sundays seem the day for railway repairing. Because of that the journey from Gemstones area in Germany to Frankfurt was not easy. We had to…


A church built into a rock

Oberstein in Germany is famous for its gem stone business, but another speciality here is this Felsenkirche, a church built into a natural niche in the rock. You can see this from the…


Grinding gemstones is a hard work

What do you think this man is doing? Here is the gemstone grinding watermill in Idar, Germany. As you can see, workers lied on their stomach and put the stones on the machine…


Visit a gemstone mine

There is a gemstone mine in Idar, Germany, which is the only one open to the public in Europe. Here they can get four kind of stones such as agate and jasper. From…