
The market which sells snails

This is a box of snails I saw in Catania, the second biggest city in Sicily, south Italy. They are all alive and wiggle continuously. In this market, mainly sea-foods were sold, but…


A diversity of Europe

I took a local train from Zermatt to Brig in Switzerland.And then I took an express train back to Milan in Italy.Soon after we left Brig, there were a range of long tunnels…


The hotel was a traditional house

I stayed in a hotel called Walliserhof in Zermatt in Switzerland. It is the traditional wooden building and I particularly remember the low ceiling. There was a Korean woman who speaks a bit…


Only bread?

I ate Fondue in Zermatt in Switzerland.I thought I had eaten Fondue before somewhere, but it was not true.Because I did not expect that you put only bread in the melted cheese.The cheese…


A tourist attraction made of wood

Zermatt in Switzerland is a small town. People in the hotel called it village. The houses there were all wooden and has got a nice atmosphere. There are shops and restaurants along the…


The meal in the train

The journey by Glacier Express took 8 hours and of course we get hungry.So, soon after we got on, the staff came around to ask our order for lunch.They bring the foods to…


From Glacier Express

From St Moritz to Zermatt in Switzerland, I took a train called Glacier Express. It took 8 hours. I thought I would get fed up, but I did not at all. The view…


Snow! In St Moritz.

When we woke up in the morning in St Moritz in Switzerland, it was snowing. The day was 5 th May. Long time ago, I had a heavy snow on 1st Sept. when…

St Moritz

A restaurant with only men

In St Moritz in Switzerland, we went to a restaurant called Piz, which was recommended by a staff in our hotel. It was nicely decorated with the fairly tale image of Switzerland, but…