
Another disaster in Paris

We were planning to see a ballet and an opera in Paris as well as visiting our friends in Fontainebleau in France this time. But all of them were cancelled. That is…


After eating frogs, visited Morimondo Abbey

It seems that they often eat frogs outside of Milan in Italy, especially south west of the city. We had eaten them in Pavia before, but this time, we went to a restaurant called La…


Sightseeing on the last day in Zaragoza

On the last day of our three nights stay in Zaragoza in Spain, we visited La Lonja. This is another building facing the big square called Plaza del Pilar and it used…


The patio in a bank in Zaragoza

The tourist map we received from the information office in Zaragoza in Spain has the small photographs of the tourist attractions. Among them, there was a photo of Patio de la Infanta…


The huge church in Zaragoza

When you look for a picture of Zaragoza in Spain, you will find the one with a big church on a river. The name of the river is Ebro and the church…


Goya Museum and the second Tapas in Zaragoza.

 The second place we visited in Zaragoza in Spain was Goya Museum. Francesco Goya, the great Spanish painter was born near Zaragoza. So he is special for people in Zaragoza and there is…


Gorgeous Aljaferia Palace in Zaragoza

Our guidebook says “If you have to give one reason to go all the way to Zaragoza in Spain, it will be Aljaferia Palace”. So we decided to go there first. Aljaferia…