Charlottetown and vicinity

Beginning of the tour on Price Edward Island

The reason why we went all the way to Prince Edward Island in Canada was because it is the stage of my favourite novel, “Anne of Green Gables”. The village called…

Charlottetown and vicinity

To Prince Edward Island

After staying in Montreal in Canada for three nights, we moved to Prince Edward Island. We had lunch at Montreal Airport because for an airport, there were some good restaurants there….


Walk in the underground city in Montreal

My husband had his hair cut in Montreal in Canada,too. Since we had arrived in Canada, we had been looking for an appropriate barbershop, and now we found a neat hairdresser’s…


Eat Italian meal in Little Italy in Montreal

Our guidebook says that Little Italy in Montreal in Canada is the foodie’s nirvana, so we decided to visit there, though it is quite far away from the old town where…


Around Place d’Armes in Montreal

After seeing Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal in Canada, we went out to the Place d’Armes in front and heard the live performance of jazz music. The Montreal Jazz Festival had been…