Good old Sirince

Good old Sirince

[August 2012] The economy of Turkey is rapidly developing.

In the suburbs of big towns, a lot of sky scrapers are being built, just like Korea.

But old village lives are still around.

To see that, we visited a village called Sirince.

This rustic village reminded me of Kratovo in Macedonia where we visited just one year ago.

I had a wonderful time in Sirince walking around the half broken houses, going into a house where a woman shows, having a conversation by hands with an old woman who sells handmade soft toys…

We came here by taxi, away from the tour group who went to Ephesus.

If you are a lover of ancient history, my choice would be incredible, but I prefer places people still live to ruins.

The taxi driver, Yakup, was surprised to hear that we chose Sirince instead of Ephesus, but when we explained that we was more interested in real Turkish lives, he looked very happy.

But probably this village will be changing quickly and it will become like an open air museum soon…