Christmas Lunch and La Laguna at Night

Christmas Lunch and La Laguna at Night

[ Dec.2018 ] We spent Christmas day in La Laguna, the ancient capital city in Tenerife in Spain.

Because we thought it would be difficult to find a restaurant on Christmas day, we had booked lunch at the restaurant in our hotel.

In fact, we found that it seemed that more restaurants and cafes were open than on Christmas Eve.

The dinner at the hotel the evening before was excellent, so our expectation was high and we dressed up for the occasion, but we were disappointed a little to see that the place was much smaller and the customers were only the guests at the hotel.

For the dinner on Christmas Eve, there were many local families.

Maybe in this country, or just in Tenerife, the main meal for Christmas is dinner on Christmas Eve and they may not have any particular lunch on Christmas day, though in England, Christmas lunch is the main Christmas meal.

Anyway, the food was as good as the evening before, started with the aperitif of Kir Royal and then fashionably presented tuna tartar and pork and so on.

They were all good, including the fondant au chocolat at the end.

Some of the waiters from the evening before were working on the day, too and they moved even more quickly among the tables as if they wanted to finish early.

After lunch, being full and tired from the morning walk, we had a siesta in our room, then after dark, we went out again.

Surprisingly, it seemed that all of the people in the town had a same idea as ours.

The town was very lively with so many people.

At one courtyard, there was a small craft market and some people were playing music.

It was a very nice relaxed atmosphere.

Each street had some lovely Christmas lights.

It seemed that people here spend Christmas evening walking around the town looking at the lights and meeting up with friends to have a chat.