

[ Jan.2016 ] We had a short walk in the area of La Boca in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It is a lovely touristy place with many colourful houses.

But to be honest, colours were rather dull compared with the ones I had seen in photos.

According to Jeremy, our local guide, this area were full of immigrants from Italy and Spain.

They painted their houses with the left-over paints which they found in the boats, so the town became alive with different colours.

The main part is called Caminito where there used be a railway.

Jeremy told us not to walk around the area away from Caminito as it was dangerous.

Jeremy repeated the word ‘immigrants’ in a way that I felt he looked down on them.

I thought this country itself was made up with immigrants who gained the control over the native people, wasn’t it.

Anyway, he himself was the son of an immigrant family, we found.

One of his parents came from south Italy.

In fact, about 70% of the population in Argentina are Italian Argentine.