
Near Piazza San Marco…

This is a photo of a snack restaurant near Piazza San Marco in Venice. We drank Spritz here, which was good. However, another restaurant near here that we went to on the…


Fancy Dress

We got off the gondola in Venice and walked for a bit, then I found this shop which offers the service of renting out their costumes and taking photos of you. I…


Ride on a Gondola

We had a ride on a gondola again in Venice. There was four of us this time and the gondolier told the heavier men to sit on one side, so the boat…


Going Up the Campanile

We decided to go up the Campanile soon after we left our luggage in the hotel near Piazza San Marco. It is a tower whose height is 98.6 metres, but there is…


Water Taxi

From the central station in Milan, in Italy, we took a fast train called Frecciabianca to Venice. The last time I went there was three years ago, but it was the first…


Seeing ‘The Last Supper’

Whilst in Milan, in Italy, we joined a tour to see “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci. Of course, we could not take any photos of the picture, so this photo…


Visiting Sforza Castle Quickly

After we visited the Duomo and the Galleria in Milan with my family, we went to Sforza Castle. This was built by Francesco Sforza, the Duke of Milan, in the middle of…


Central Station of Milan

We used to live in Milan for nearly half of the year and the Central Station was simply our commuting station. However, this time when we took our family there to show them…


Only a Starter, But a Lot

We went to our favourite seafood restaurant in Milan with our family, who had just arrived from Japan. This restaurant is famous for its mixed seafood starter, because they serve many kinds…