

We went to Chester for the first time. It is impressive to see the row of houses of half timbered style, which is a type of architecture that you can see…


A conscientious tour company

 We joined a tour run by a company called Rabbie’s for this England & Wales holiday. This is a Scottish company based in Edinburgh. They started organising tours in Scotland and…


Slate museum

The highlight of North Wales is definitely Mt.Snordon. You can climb up to the top by train. But our tour did not have enough time for that, so instead, we went…


The ugly house

I took this photo from the bus, so it is not very clear, but this is the Ugly House in Snowdonia ( Wales ). The following is the story Kevin, our guide…


Nature in Wales

After visiting Conway, a pretty town in Wales, the tour went into wild nature. The mountains around here have no trees as if they were on the high altitude, which made…


At the oldest house in Wales

The whitish house is the oldest town house in Wales called Aberconwy House in Conwy, north Wales. It was built in the 14th century and went through many owners and now…


The smallest house in Great Britain

The red house in this photo is the one. It is in Conwy in Wales and facing the port. It was built in 16th century and until 1900, someone was really…


English castle in Wales

This was my third time to come to Conwy in north Wales, but I did not know that this magnificent castle is English. I thought it was Welsh. Our tour guide…


World first iron bridge

The first iron bridge was built in 1779 and it is still there now in a quiet village called Ironbridge which is situated in the middle of England. In those days,…