
The power of Made in China

This year, I came across the situation that the goods made in China were pressing the local industries.Turkish silk, German gemstones and this time Venecian glass and masks.If the quality is good, it does…


Squid with squid ink

This is a squid dish with squid ink I ate in Venice. The white thing next to it is polenta, which was whiter than usual. It was rich taste and very good. The…


The hotel facing the Grand Canal

This was my 4th visit to Venice, but the first time for me to stay in the hotel facing the Grand Canal. I always wanted to stay in this sort of place. The name…


Water bus is for everyone

Whenever you get out of Santa Lucia station of Venice, you would open your mouth seeing the breathtaking beauty.This was my 4th visit after 9 years, but I was spellbound by the view.In this…


Underground chapel

In Poland, we went to Wieliczka Salt Mine, too, which has got 900 years’ history. According to my guide book it was listed UNESCO World Heritage in 1978. You have to go down…


Another Auschwitz

The tour to Auschwitz in Poland took us to Birkenau which is called Auschwitz 2 as well. This was built because the original Auschwitz became too full and most of the mass killing…


Notorious Auschwitz

From Krakow in Poland, we took a tour to Auschwitz. This photo is the entrance with the famous slogan, ‘working makes you free’. This holiday to Poland, the weather was excellent and even…


The station

We stayed in a cheap hotel in Krakow in Poland, so the breakfast was not included. One morning, we went to the railway station and had a cheese cake and coffee for a…


Dinner on the third day

The meals were impressive in Krakow in Poland. On the third day, I had a meal called Golonka, which is boiled pork with the bone. I remember it was a bit salty, but…