
Gem stone town

Do you know that there is a gem stone town called Idar-Oberstein in Germany? I got to know this through a magazine and had wished to go there. And now my dream came…


Walk in Richmond

It was rare sunny Saturday. We went out to walk in Richmond, south west London. This is a rich town with up-market shops. It is quite nice atmosphere with the Thames river running…


Unexpectedly not so solemn rite of baptism

I had a chance to join the rite of baptism in Italy.By doing this ceremony, a baby becomes a Christian.The Father  makes the sign of the cross on the baby and put his/her…


Very eccentric villa

When we stayed one night at Gardone Riviera on Lake Garda, Italy, the hotel staff recommended us to visit Vittoriale degli Italiani, saying ‘ you should see it at least once in your…


The view from the hotel

This time, we stayed in a hotel called Hotel du Lac in Gardone Riviera on the shore of Lake Garda. It is a three star hotel and the room was very basic, but…


The last fortress of Mussolini

A friend of mine visited me and we went to Lake Garda together.This time we went to the west side of the lake and had a lunch at Salò.This is another holiday destination…


Everyone must go to the Grand Bazaar

Our Turkish holiday is coming to the end. The last destination was the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. I had about 3 hours in the morning before my flight so I took a taxi…


The town of Tampere

We came back to Tampere where we started this journey. There are a lot of chimneys there and very severe sort of image there. But on the other hand, there were also many…



This is the last photo of my Finish holiday in 2006. I just remembered that at the airport in Tampere, because we were using the cheap flight which was so strict about the…