
Restaurant with music

On the first day of my stay in Cesme, Turkey, we went to the restaurant listed in my guidebook. The name is Rihtim Restaurant. It is one of the many restaurants along the…


Typical resort hotel

After the grand Turkey tour, which I had to get up early every day, I fly over to Izmir and took bus to Cesme peninsula. I was a little apprehensive about moving around…


Dishes from Ottoman Turkey

We went to a restaurant which was introduced by a friend who goes there often for work. The famous Turkish foods are kebabs and pide (Turkish pizza) and we often ate them during…


Pedestrians cannot cross over

We joined the boat trip over the Bosporus in Istanbul. During this trip we saw this Bosporus Bridge. It was completed in 1971. For a while pedestrians could cross over, but because there were…


The floor of Blue Mosque

This was the third time for me to visit the famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul. This mosque was completed in 1616 by the architect Mehmed. It is special because there are 6 minarets….


Crossing the Sea of Marmara

Our Turkish group tour is now towards the end. Leaving Bursa, we were going to Istanbul. On the way, we crossed the Sea of Marmara. For some reason, there were a lot of jellyfish in…


5 star hotel with thermal spring

During the Turkish group tour, we did not stay in a specially good hotels, but Kervansaray Hotel in Bursa was 5 star. Around here is famous for its hot spring and the hotel…


The reason why all those scarf shops survive

Bursa in Turkey has been famous for its silk production. So we went into a building called Koza Han where there are lots of silk scarf shops. This was a caravanserai built in…


Unexpectedly lively mosque

 Our Turkey tour came to Bursa. Here we visited Ulu Mosque (Grand Mosque) with my scarf on. It is a large mosque with a faountain in the centre. In any mosques, men and women…