
Grassmarket and the pub ‘The Last Drop’

During our stay in Edinburgh this time, we haven’t been to the Grassmarket in the old town yet. Victoria Street, the slope leading down to Grassmarket, has a curved line, and colourful shops…


Culross Palace, worth seeing inside

The highlights of Culross, a small town in the Fife region of Scotland, are the palace and the ruins of abbey. We couldn’t buy an admission ticket for the palace because they were…


Found the scenery I was looking for in Culross

On our third Saturday in Edinburgh, Scotland, we went to Culross, a small town in the Fife region. The weather forecast was bad, so I checked the train connections on Sunday, but it…


To Leith to eat some seafood

There is an area called Leith in the northern part of Edinburgh, Scotland, facing the sea. According to the guidebook, it has been the gateway to the sea in Edinburgh since the 14th…


Enjoyed the Scottish speciality

Haggis is probably the most famous Scottish food. When I said to my sister in Japan, “I’m going to eat haggis,” she said  “what’s that?” and searched on the internet. And she said,…


A village called Falkland, etc.

The final destination of our tour of the Fife region of Scotland was an inland village named Falkland. This is where the royal villa, Falkland Palace, is located. Our guidebook states that Mary…


In sunny St. Andrews

  The main destination of our tour in Fife, Scotland was St Andrews. We arrived here around the lunch time. Fish and chips was a hot topic on our tour bus, so I was…