
Join the bus tour to Highlands

From Edinburgh, Scotland, we took a 4-night, 5-day bus tour touring the Highlands and the islands. Travelling around this area by public transport is a daunting task, so organised tours are convenient for…


My experience of Covid vaccination

I have finally received the Covid vaccine. It’s not the topic of travel itself, but I would like to mention it because it is an indispensable event for future travel. In the UK,…


Scotland, Highlands

These are our photos taken in Highlands in Scotland in 2010 and in 2023.


Corte, the capital of Corsican Republic

While participating in a walking tour on the island of Corsica in France, I often moved on my own away from the group, and on this day as well, I participated in another…


The tough village walking in La Balagne

The next day, we had another walking tour and this time was the village walking of the Balagne region on Corsica, France. From Calvi, where we were staying, we took a two-car train…


The first walk from Calvi on Corsica, France

This is a story when I went to Corsica, France, on a walking tour organized by a British company. The day after we settled down in Calvi, a town in the northwestern part…


Staying in Calvi on Corsica for a week

Now in February 2021, the government of the UK, where we live, announced a plan to gradually release the lockdown, but it seems that it is still undecided when it will be possible…