The delicious seafood and the desolate scenery

The delicious seafood and the desolate scenery
the countryside of Northumberland
seen from the car window

[June 2021] During our stay in Edinburgh, Scotland, we went south and travelled along the coast of Northumberland, England with our friends.

This area is where our favorite police drama “Vera” is set.

The scenery in the drama is always dark and desolate, which is wonderfully beautiful, and I’m really happy to see that kind of scenery on this excursion.

Fortunately, the forecast was off and the weather was nice.

the view from the restaurant The Barn at Beal in Northumberland
the view from the restaurant

First of all, we aimed for a seafood restaurant called The Barn at Beal, which my friend found online and booked.

She made a reservation at 1 o’clock, but we arrived at around 12:20, so my friends and I were thinking to hang around to kill time, but my husband went up inside the restaurant and talked the person in charge who said “You are welcome” and guided us to the reserved table straight away.

Foods here were better than expected.

a helicopter parked outside of the restaurant in Northumberland
people come to eat by a helicopter

It’s a big restaurant with lots of people, probably because it has a good reputation.

Some people even came by helicopter from Newcastle, about 90 kilometers south of here.

It was located on a little hill and the view from there was good.

Here, without a starter, I ate half a lobster (£ 16).

It wasn’t that big, but the garlic butter sauce went well and it tasted much better than the lobster I ate in April.

the lobster at The Barn at Beal in Northumberland
the delicious lobster

My husband chose fish and chips again.

It seems that it has become his favourite.

Our friends ordered a seafood platter.

With a lot of content, I thought that £ 45 was a good value.

Instead of eating the starter, I had sticky toffee, a rich dessert.

It’s very sweet, but sometimes I want to eat something like this.

the seafood platter at The Barn at Beal, the restaurant in Northumberland
a lot of seafood on the platter

It was delicious.

After a very satisfying meal, we headed to Bamburgh Castle.

The coast of Northumberland is dotted with old castles.

Bamburgh Castle is one of the largest castles and has a history of over 1400 years.

looking up at Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland
the impressive Bamburgh Castle

When I checked the website a few days before I came here, it said, “It’s closed for filming.”

It seems that it is also rented out for weddings.

It was allowed to go inside on the day we went, but now that we are in the Covid whirlpool, advance reservations were required, and we who did not buy the ticket beforehand did not enter.

people walking along the coast of Northumberland
coastal walk

Instead, we walked around the castle, looking at the castle’s buildings from different angles and enjoying the view of the sea.

The inside of castles is similar, and it is often more impressive to see it from the outside anyway.

My friend was very impressed, saying, “I didn’t think it was such a big castle.”

With 9 acres of land, it is said to be one of the largest inhabited castles in the UK.

sea view of Northumberland
peaceful scene when the sun is out

The view from the path facing the sea was a desolate and powerful landscape.

On a stormy day, it would be even more powerful.

There seems to be a walking route, and I saw people walking in groups.