By local trains

By local trains

[ Mar.

2014 ] Because the weather is not usually nice in England, when it is sunny in the weekend, I feel I ought to go somewhere.

On this Saturday, we decided to go to Windsor.

I found online that it took only 1 hour or so from our home, though we had to change twice.

And the return train fare was only a bit more than 7 pounds.

When we took this route, which we do not normally use and went to the other direction not towards the centre of London, the feeling is very different, though it is only just outside of London.

Soon the view changed to the country green, which made us feel uplifted.

The passengers are somewhat different from those of the underground, too, more relaxed.

I need the iron determination to get up early in the weekends, but I think this kind of excursion is necessary to refresh myself.