Ciorba and Sarmale

Ciorba and Sarmale

[ Apr.2014 ] After visiting castles in Sinaia in Romania, we went up the slope on and on and finally arrived at a restaurant called Cabana Schiori (meaning Cabin for Ski ).

In Romania, we can have a proper foods anytime, between lunch time and dinner time, unlike the ones in western Europe.

People here have some soup called Ciorba.

It has got a full of ingredients, which can be chicken, beef and so on.

After warming up with Ciorba, people eat main dish.

I was already quite full up, but tried the typical Romanian dish called Sarmale.

This is like the  stuffed cabbage and the one here was rather large as you can see in the photo, but depending on the region, the size varies.

They all were very tasty.

In this holiday, I ate too much everyday…

By the way, in this restaurant, apparently the president had a birthday party.

So it is a famous one.

The photo of Ciorba is here.

Also, the very nice venison sausage is here.