[ Dec.2015 ] The place we arrived at by ferry in Chiloe Island, Chile, was a small town called Chacao.
Our tour leader suggested walking along the esplanade by the sea first, saying “they spent a lot of money on this”.
Here on the esplanade, there were some boards introducing the island’s legends.
One was that a small ugly man called Trauco sexually attracts every woman and his ugly wife, Fiura attracts the men.
So when a single woman gets pregnant, people would say “That is Trauco’s work”.
And when a man gets badly drunk and comes home in the early hours, he would say “Fiura took me”.
Also, there was a story about the snake which created this island.
The daughter of the snake dances every year and depending on how she dances, fishermen can predict the year’s catch.
Our tour leader told us these stories, translating from the boards, but I could not concentrate on listening to him, because there were many big vultures around there as you can see in the photo.
How awful! There were also swans whose necks were black.
Apparently there is a small island off Chiloe where penguins live, too.
In Chacao, we saw a silver church which was made of corrugated tinplate.
The roofs of the most residential houses were also corrugated tinplate.