
Summer holiday in Sicily

We had our summer holiday in Sicily, the island in the south of Italy this year. Our base was a seaside town called Marina di Ragusa which is near the south…


The photomarathon in Milan again

We participated the Photomarathon in Milan again this year. The Photomarathon is a kind of a photo competition that you keep taking photos on the given themes all day. We did…


Strictly local foods

In the weekend in June when the temperature went up to 35 degrees, we had an excursion from Milan to Monte Isola, an island on Lake Iseo in Italy. It took…



Continúo con mis vacaciones en Túnez. Esta foto fue tomada en Tamezret, donde hicimos una parada en el viaje desde Douz, en el sur. No paseamos por la ciudad, pero echamos un…


Strange buildings in Rotterdam

The last city we visited with the South Holland tour in the Netherlands was Rotterdam. Here there is the largest port in Europe and the number of people working for the…


The town of Delft and Delftware

The next stop on our tour of the cities of Zuid-Holland in the Netherlands was Delft. Delft is a pretty town which looked rather like a smaller version of Amsterdam. Because…

The Hague

The Hague is the practical capital city

We joined the tour which went quickly to the main cities of the region of Zuid-Holland. This kind of superficial tour is found in every country, but in the Netherlands it…