
A Major Source of Rice

We went to a restaurant called Antica Osteria ai Vini in the centre of Novara, a town in Piedmont in Italy. We chose this one because it had a good reputation on…


Basilica of San Gaudenzio

You can find Novara in Piedmont in Italy from far away, because the cupola of the Basilica of San Gaudenzio rises up very high. We thought this must be the centre of…


Unusual Instrument

We had a day out to a town called Novara, in Piedmont in Italy. This is a crossroad linking Milan and Turin, and Genoa and Switzerland. On the day we were there,…


Golden Wedding, Silver Wedding

We had a chance to visit an event to celebrate the golden and silver wedding anniversaries of the people in Cinisello Balsamo, which is in the suburbs of Milan. The couples who…


Could Not Visit Semper Oper

 The first time I heard about Dresden in Germany was in the phrase, “Dresden National Opera House” on TV and on the radio when I was a child. I looked it up…


Concert at Frauenkirche

We stayed in Dresden in Germany for a week. On the last night, we went to a concert in Frauenkirche. We thought we bought good seats, the front row of the first floor,…


Trendy New Town

The old town of Dresden has many historical magnificent buildings, but the new town has got a trendy atmosphere. There were many buildings which are full of graffiti and some pubs and…


Cheese Shop Listed in the Guinness Book

I do not know how many categories are in the Guinness Book of World Records, but apparently there is one for “the most beautiful cheese shop in the world” and the one…


Radeburg, By Mistake

From Moritzburg Castle in Saxony in Germany, we took a taxi to get to Radeburg. This town is the last stop of the steam locomotive train, but the train was not so…